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20'-48' ORDER THIS Gooseneck Highboy Trailers / You Build Your Trailer from the Bottom Up
Type: HD deck and dump trailers
New/Used/Specials: New
Manufacturer : Double A Trailer
Deck Length : 20-40
Build your own Gooseneck Trailer! Various options to choose from. Here's an example of a recent Gooseneck Highboy that we had built for one of our special customers!
GHB208-24, Tandem 10,000lb Dual Axles, Max 20,000lb GVW, 8 X 24, 5' BT Conqur Ramps, Full Width/Spring Assist
10,000lb Suspension
10ply dual spare tire
5' BT Conquer Ramps, Full Width w/Spring Assist
Standard Features:
Adjustable Gooseneck Ball Coupler
Safety Chains: 5/16" Grade 70 w/Grab Hooks
Width: 102" Overal
Deck Height: 36"
Axles: Electric Brakes, Grease Hubs, 8 Stud
Suspension: Leaf Springs w/Equalizers
Tires & Rims: 10ply Tires w/Grey Dual Rims
Main Frame: Wide Flange Beam
Lace Rail: Channel - 5" w/Pockets 7 Rubrail
Cmembers: Channel - 3" on 16" Centers
Wiring: Arctic Wiring, Soldered & Enclosed in Conduit
Lights: LED, Rubber Mounted
Decking: Douglas Fir, Heat Treated
Tookbox" TB4 Riser Toolbox (upright)
Steps: Each Side w/Grab Handles
Finish: Sand Blast, Prime, Paint w/PPG Urethane
For more detailed information on this Gooseneck, click here.
For options to build a different Gooseneck, click here or call us to talk about it.