6784 Trans Canada Hwy, Savona, BC
(20 Mins West of Kamloops)
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8.5 X 24 Continental Cargo, Ramp Door, Tandem 5,000lb Axles, Max 9,900lb GVW
Type: Cargo trailers
New/Used/Specials: Specials
Manufacturer : Continental Cargo
Deck Length: 24
VHW8524TA3 8.5 X 24 Continental Cargo, Ramp Door, Tandem 5,000lb Axles, Max 9,900lb GVW
OUR PRICE - $21,499
(Includes Freight & Pre Delivery Inspection)
*Prices subject to change
Additional Costs: Spare Tire, Tax & Tire Levy
Colour: Silver
Stock: #11011 NWS24
V Series Pkg #3 + 6" Extra Height,
24" Aluminum treadplate stoneguard,
4 dome lights,
2-12V switches for domes,
Flushlock upgrade,
16" O/C Floor crossmembers,
16" O/C Additional Roof bows
36" RV door upgrade,
Corner posts drop-down Jacks w/sand pad,
6 Recessed floor mount, 5,000lb D-Ring Tiedowns,
Chrome Center caps,
white vinyl ceiling liner,
breakaway battery charger,
wedge deleted
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