6784 Trans Canada Hwy, Savona, BC
(20 Mins West of Kamloops)
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8' X 26' Gooseneck Highboy Trailer! Coming Soon!
Type: HD deck and dump trailers
New/Used/Specials: New
Manufacturer : Double A Trailer
Deck Length : 26
On Order and Coming Soon! Call us to put your name on one of these!
8' X 26' Gooseneck Highboy due to arrive in March 2025!
OUR PRICE: $25,999
(includes Freight and Pre Delivery Inspection)
*Prices Subject to Change
Additional Costs: Tax, Tire Levy & Spare Tire
Stock #11003
2-12K 2 Speed Jacks
17.5K Winch Package c/w Battery
8 - 4" Weld on D-Rings per side (4 each side)
2-48" Side Mount Toolbox
5' Beaver Tail Flip-over Ramps, Full Width w/Spring Assist
Spare Tire Mount
Standard Features:
Alberta Manufactured
Engineered Beam Mainframe & Neck
Adjustable Flat Mount Pintle
Safety Chains: 5/16" Grade 70 w/Grab Hooks
Width: 102" Overall
Deck Height: 36"
Axles: Electric Brakes, Grease Hubs, 8 Stud
Suspension: Leaf Springs w/Equalizers
Tires & Rims: 10ply Tires w/Grey Dual Rims
Main Frame: Wide Flange Beam
Lace Rail: Channel - 5" w/Pockets & Rubrail
Cmembers: Channel - 3" on 16" Centers
Wiring: Arctic Wiring, Soldered & Enclosed in Conduit
Lights: LED, Rubber Mounted
Decking: Spruce - 2" Treated
Paint Process - 6 Stage Powder Coating Process
Steel Shot Blasting
Phosphate Metal Pretreatment Wash & Rinse
Forced Air Dry-off Oven
Zinc Epoxy OneCure Primer
Sherwin Williams OneCure Powder Topcoat
Oven Cured at Over 425 Degrees